Severn Estuary

The Severn Estuary is a unique intertidal area with international importance for wading birds and wildfowl. The strategic priority here is to manage and restore intertidal habitats including mudflats and saltmarsh for the benefit of these birds and other wildlife. This includes delivering any opportunities for managed realignment that increases the area of intertidal habitats.

Additionally, it is important to minimise recreational disturbance to wildlife on the Estuary from, for example, people using the coast path.


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Priorities for nature recovery

Delivering the priorities for nature recovery is particularly important in the mapped Focus Areas for Nature Recovery. ‘Landscape recovery’ measures, which will have the biggest impact on nature recovery, are particularly relevant in these Focus Areas.

Measures Most relevant to Land type Indicative level of land-use impact for nature
Ensure good management of existing intertidal saltmarsh habitat through appropriate grazing regimes. Farmers and landowners Saltmarsh Landscape recovery
Restoration and creation of intertidal saltmarsh habitat and mudflats, using techniques such as managed realignment or regulated tidal exchange where appropriate Farmers and landowners Countryside Landscape recovery
Create additional high-tide roosts close to the coast, to provide places above mean high tide levels where waterbirds can rest and recover Farmers and landowners Saltmarsh Landscape recovery
Minimise recreational disturbance to wildlife on the Estuary from people using the coast path Local government N/A N/A

Relevant priority species

  • Bewick's Swan
  • Grayling
  • Lapwing
  • Redshank
  • White-fronted Goose

Area specific measures

  • Minimise recreational disturbance to wildlife on the Estuary from people using the coast path